Thursday, December 5, 2013

Final SEO / SEM Client Analysis for MARK5000

Due Monday, December 9th to
Marked and returned with comments Friday, December 13th

Revised report sent to client by students, cc’d to Lindsey by Monday, December 16th.

Full Project Rubric >> 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Intro to Google Analytics (Nov 11 for MCOM43, Nov 14 for MARK5000)

Overview of Google Analytics

Creating & Editing a Google Analytics Account

Step-by-Step Instructions >>

Setting Google Analytics Goals

Homework: (Individual Assignment)

  1. Watch the Google Analytics Goals video above.
  2. Reference this handout and the sample report provided in class.
  3. Set up a Google Analytics account for your blog (MCOM43) and your client project (MARK5000).
  4. Set up Goals for this 'campaign'.
  5. Email a PDF report directly from your analytics account (conversions > goals > overview > email this report to  


  • MCOM43 Wednesday, November 20 (5%)
  • MARK5000 Thursday, November 21 (2.5% blog, 2.5% client)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Web Marketing Plan Outline

·       Client Overview
o  Target Market / Persona (general, web)
o  Audit
o  Goals (business, web)
§  Priority List
·       Recommendations
o  Strategy
§  Themes
§  Focus
·       SEO
·       SEM
·       Conversion
o  Web
o  Mobile
o  Blog
o  Wiki
o  Email
o  Tactics
§  Content
·       Formats
·       Calendar
§  Integration
§  Timeline
·       Milestones
·       Ghantt Chart
o  Metrics / Analytics

Web Strategy Based on Budget

Web Strategy based on Budget

Digital Marketing Strategy... When to use what strategy

Digital Marketing Strategy

Monday, October 21, 2013

TrendsTalk Rubric & Outline

Learning Outcomes: 
2. Develop and recommend strategies for search engine marketing including organic and paid options.
5. Perform duties in a professional manner that models practitioners in a digital marketing role.

  • TrendsTalk Mini video presentation (6 minutes, full slidedeck) 
  • Slidedeck uploaded to slideshare, embedded to your blog and tweeted to @lindseyfair #imcslc 
  • TrendsTalk full presentation at the main event (20 minutes + 7 min Q & A) 
Marks: 20%

Who: Partners

Description: A TedTalk inspired presentation will be developed related to Search & Site Marketing. Topics to be chosen by the students, however, a how-to seminar will not be accepted. All topics must be pre-approved and will be approved on a first-come-first-served basis.

Full TrendsTalk Rubric >>

For examples from previous years TrendsTalk visit >>

Mini In-Class Case

Quick reminder about the mini-assignment (2%) given out in class today:

In partners, develop a GeoTargeted web strategy for Gosling's Rum. Describe the strategy and create a wireframe that highlights the key aspects of the strategy.

Due a the beginning of class on Monday. (hard copy)

GeoTargeting Keywords for SEO

GeoTargeting, GeoConquesting and GeoFencing Videos and Articles

Article 1 from PR Web on GeoConquesting >>
Article 2 from Search Engine Watch on GeoConquesting >>

Monday, October 7, 2013

Blog Rubric

Due: October 21 7am
Value: 14%
Here's the printable checklist to help you get your blogs ready.

Use the slidedecks from the first Digital Assets lesson that covered blogging as a reference, plus there's tons of info on SEW.

SEO & SEM Jargon

Run-of-network (RON)
In run-of-network advertising, advertisers generally give up say over placement in return for low rates and broad reach. Ads may be placed randomly in unsold, less valuable portions of sites within an ad network. Run-of-network buys are similar to run-of-site buys, except the ads appear on many sites instead of an individual site. (Thanks Matt for your info >>) (Thanks Joanna for your info>>)
Run-of-site (ROS)
Definition Ad buying option in which ad placements may appear on any pages of a target site. Information In run of site advertising, advertisers generally give up say over placement in return for low rates and broad reach. Ads may be placed randomly in unsold, less valuable portions of the target site. (Thanks Tina for your info >>) (Thanks Kristen for your info>>)

Real-Time Bidding (RTB)
Real-time bidding (RTB) is a new display ad solution that is revolutionizing the advertising industry, allowing advertisers to: Bid in real-time on available ad inventory, Maximize results within shorter timelines, Improve budget flexibility, Set price based on site content relevance. Here's a great article from SEW on RTB. (Thanks Taylor Y for your info>>)
Clickthrough Rates (CTR)
A ratio showing how often people who see your ad end up clicking it. CTR can be used to gauge how well your keywords and ads are performing. (Thanks Sarah for your info>>)

Quality ScoreQuality Score is an estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page are to a person seeing your ad. Having a high Quality Score means that our systems think your ad, keyword, and landing page are all relevant and useful to someone looking at your ad. You can find out your Quality Score for any of your keywords, and there are several things you can do to help improve your Quality Score. (Thanks Jess for your info>>)

Conversion Rate (CR)
How often a click on your ad resulted in a conversion, a meaningful action like a sale, lead, or sign-up. (Thanks Amber for your info>>)

Display Network 
A group of more than a million websites, videos, and apps where your ads can appear. Sites in this network have partnered with Google to show relevant AdWords ads.(Thanks Brad for your info>>)

Ad Rank
A value that's used to determine your ad position, where ads are shown on a page. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount and Quality Score. (Thanks Josh for your info>>)

Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) CPM stands for cost-per-thousand impressions, so you pay for each set of a thousand views of your ad. (Thanks Alex for your info>>)

Standard Delivery vs Accelerated Delivery 
Standard delivery (the default option) tries to show your ads throughout the entire day to make sure that you don't spend your whole budget in the morning and cause your ads to stop showing for the rest of the day. Accelerated delivery tries to show your ads more quickly until your budget is reached. With this option, your ads can stop showing early in the day if your budget is spent. (Thanks Jessica for your info>>)
Ad Extensions
A feature that displays extra business information with your ad such as an address, phone number, more webpage links, or a coupon. (Thanks Shaun for your info>>)

Ad Group 
A set of keywords, ads, and bids that is a key part of how your account is organized. Each ad campaign is made up of one or more ad groups. (Thanks Julia for your info>>)

Default Bid 
A bid amount that applies to all of the keywords and placements in your ad group that don't have individual bids. This bid sets the maximum amount that you're willing to pay for each click on your ad for any keyword and placement without its own bid. (Thanks Katie for your info>>)

Ad Relevance
A keyword status that measures how closely related your keyword is to your ads.(Thanks Taylor O for your info>>)

A Google product that pays website owners for showing relevant AdWords ads on their site. (Thanks Rachel for your info>>)

A feature that automatically creates custom destination URLs to help you track your ad performance using website tracking programs like Google Analytics. (Thanks Kylie for your info>>)

Broad Match
A keyword setting that allows your ad to show when someone searches for that keyword or a variation of it. The broad match keyword "bicycle bell" can cause your ad to show if someone searches for variations like "bicycle bells," "buy a bell for a bicycle," and "bell reviews for bikes." (Thanks Katrina for your info>>)

Destination URL 
The URL address for the page in your website where you'd like people to be sent after they click your ad. Thanks Sydne for your info>>)

Enhanced CPC
A bidding feature that raises your bids in situations that seem more likely to lead to a sale or other conversion on your website. It lowers your bids for situations that seem less likely to lead to a conversion. (Thanks Amanda for your info>>)

Landing Page 
The webpage where customers end up after they click your ad. This page is usually the same as your ad's destination URL. (Thanks James for your info>>)

Play Rate
How often your ad's video was played compared to how often the ad was shown. (Thanks Chris for your info>>) (Thanks Hollie for your info too>>)

SEO Remarketing 
A feature that lets you reach people who have previously visited your website. Your ads can show to these customers when they visit other websites in the Google Display Network or when they search on Google. (Thanks Megan for your info>>)

Search Network & Partners
A group of search-related websites where your ads can appear, including Google search sites and search sites that partner with Google to show ads (search partners). Partners are Sites in the Search Network that partner with Google to show ads.(Thanks James P for your info>>)

For more important SEO / SEM Terms and Jargon use the Google Glossary (will be important for your certification).

MCOM43 Concierge Project Date Revisions

Given the delayed launch of the two sites being used for the concierge project / holiday Monday the dates have been slightly changed and so has the grading system (based on class feedback survey). Here is the New Project Outline >>.

Mobile Marketing Case Studies

Here's 5 Great Mobile Case Studies to inspire you >>

Mobile Marketing for Gaining Customers

Sunday, October 6, 2013

SEO and Paid Search Strategy Example

I've just finished marking the Farm Girl SEO / Paid Search Strats - for the most part you guys have come a long way and have the start of some potentially successful SEO strategies. I will be handing back your assignments with feedback on Monday, but in the meantime here's an example of how to do it in the future (e.g. Concierge Project and SEM Project).

Keyword Profitability & Ad Groups >> It's 2 spreadsheets - one for profitability and one for ad groups (notice how these two feed into each other? The other part is the estimated bid price which will play into the budget.

SEO Recommendations >> Notice that Page Title is close to 72 characters (not letters) long? That's the optimal number to strive for. The keywords I added are highlighted in aqua. I've also put outbound / inbound links in as well.

SEM (Paid Search) Strategy >> I only did one, but you should offer 3 variations at a minimum. The sheet was set up for 9 ads (3 for each of the 3 ad groups). Take note of how the budget was developed - it used the forecast PPC amounts from the keyword tool.

This Google SEO workbook will be a lot of help for you guys when it comes to your SEM projects and your certification. Take a look >>

The Paid Search Step-by-Step guide you guys used to generate your starter SEM strategies is here for your reference >>

Course Delivery Revisions

As I mentioned in the course feedback post, I have revised the delivery and assignment schedule. The main change is less blog posts and more in-class assignments. Thank you for your input.

Here is the revised delivery schedule, assignments and due dates (for both courses).

Thursday, October 3, 2013

MARK5000 Wireframe Assignment

Due: Monday, October 7 (start of class)

Format: Hardcopy

  1. Navigation / Section Structure (1 page)
  2. Look and Feel (1-2 pages) of main page that incorporates general theme, main call to actions, colour pallette, style guide and other principles discussed in class today (reference class videos, slidedecks and SEW). This does NOT require that the full content be submitted but rather where / how the content will be placed and the general theme of the content.
For: SEM project client

Who: In SEM project teams

This will be marked in place of a blogpost (therefore worth 2%).

Class Feedback Surveys

Thanks everyone for filling out my feedback survey. Here's the results:

Feedback for IWM courses

The above word cloud was driven only from the written comments. It is a combination of both classes comments. The larger the word the more frequently it was used with challenging (in a positive sentiment voice) was used 12 times and the terms only used 1 time were the ones the same size as low-value or knowledgable.

The complete survey summaries are available as well:


For the most part the sentiment of each group was positive and that the majority of students are finding this course relevant and useful. It is challenging but achievable - exactly what a teacher and a HE institution strive for.

Areas that I will work to improve upon based on this feedback are (keeping in mind that I need to respond to the majority not the minority in making significant course adjustments):
  • Provide written direction and details for even the minor assignments such as blogposts, similarily to what I have provided for the larger assignments;
  • Add in additional one-on-one or small group discussions, coaching and feedback sessions;
  • Look for additional ways to provide more hands-on learning as opposed to traditional lecture formats of delivery;
  • Lastly, still under review but I may change some of the markable assignments to be less focused on blog written (now that they are established and other courses are making use of them) and turn our attention over to client projects and in-class activities. I will review this with you guys next week.
 If you were one of the 'outliers' in the survey and your comments / concerns did not fall with the majority and you would like to discuss your concerns in person I am open to doing so. Talk to me before or after class to book an appointment.

Websites that generate customers not just visits

Thursday, September 26, 2013

RTB Or Real-Time Bidding Article that explains it well...

By: Marcelo Ballve Sep. 23, 2013
Real-time bidding is a type of automated or programmatic buying of advertising placements.
It is to digital advertising what high-frequency trading is to Wall Street. It involves computerized, algorithm-driven trading that allows for quick buying of ad impressions according to pre-set parameters. Twitter is the latest tech company to enter the RTB race with this month's acquisition of...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Goodbye, Keyword Data: Google Moves Entirely to Secure Search

Take notice IMCSLC big change in SEO just happened. Thoughts, questions? Read other peoples comments on the original article. This could have major impact on industry.


Nearly two years after making one of the biggest changes to secure search that resulted in a steady rise in "(not provided)" data, Google has switched all searches over to encrypted searches using HTTPS. This means no more keyword data will be passed to site owners.

Encrypted Google searches don't pass the keyword data through to websites, thereby eliminating the ability to track... (read more about the Google Keyword Data big change to lock down mode)

Post your intellectual thought on the thread at SEW, send me a screen shot and you may just get a bonus mark. :-)

The 5 Pillars of AdWords Success for Paid Search Strategies

5 Keys to Being Successful with AdWords Handout / Cheatsheet >>

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Keyword Selection, Profitability, Density and Optimization

Lab Tasks

  1. Watch video 1 & 2 above.
  2. Use this for terminology if you need help
  3. Review these tips for using and selecting negative keywords
  4. Open and get to know this Google Keyword Planner. Select and determine the profitability for the best keywords for (homepage only):
  5. Once you have 5-20 keywords chosen based on profitability - chose Farm Girl or Dominoes:
    1. re-write content for her page
    2. write the meta tags and page title


  • 5-20 keywords is ideal
  • A search term is the exact word or set of words a customer enters when searching on or one of our Search Network sites. A keyword is the word or set of words AdWords advertisers create for a given ad group to target your ads to customers. 
  • Keyword Profitability Score = low competition + high number of searches.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Homework Quickies

Due Monday, September 16:
  1. Case - Farm Girl Food website

    1.Do a quick review / audit of for SEO (homepage only)
    2.Look at page titles, homepage content, meta, alt, keyword density, anchor text, links, headings, etc (see my slides for hints on this, don't forget to right click and view source)
    3.Make organic SEO recommendations based on what you find
    4.These will be discussed in class on Monday

  2. Web Search & Site Optimal User (MCOM43 only)
  • Take a picture or scan your user infographics from lecture 1
  • One team member create a blogpost about it. Embed the picture and very briefly explain it.
  • Tweet it to @lindseyfair and #imcslc

Lastly, don't forget to bring your laptops on Monday.

Matt Cutts from Google on WordPress & SEO

SEM Project Rubrics for Both Classes

Each class has a slight variation on the SEM Client Project so make sure you're looking at the right one.

MCOM43 SEM Project Description, Deadlines and Rubric (click here)

MARK5000 SEM Project Description, Deadlines and Rubric (click here)

Concierge Project Rubric

The Concierge Project for MCOM43 (click here for rubric and deadlines)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Course Outlines for MCOM43 & MARK5000

The focus in this course will be digital marketing strategy targeted through search based marketing tactics and conversion sites development. Students will build marketing strategies that centre on a web platform such as a website, blog or wiki that optimize conversion through both paid and organic  search engine marketing (SEM) and SEO (search engine optimization).

Course Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
  1. Conduct a compressive digital audit utilizing marketing analytics as a basis for analysis.
  2. Develop and recommend strategies for search engine marketing including organic and paid options.
  3. Implement content and SEM strategies incorporating key principles of customer acquisition and conversion.
  4. Analyze digital traffic using tools and research methods appropriate for digital analysis.
  5. Perform duties in a professional manner that models practitioners in a digital marketing role.
Required Texts, Materials, Resources or Technical Materials Required
  1. Students must sign up to receive weekly email updates from http:/// Resources from this site will be reviewed, discussed and assessed each week.
  2. Students must have a registered, active gmail account and G+ account.
  3. Students will be encouraged to bring a mobile device to access the internet and digital resources from time to time as communicated by the instructor.
  4. Students should reference this blog for course information and updates.
  5. Students will be required to set up or make use of an existing blog they have as their platform for submitting assignments.
  6. Students will be required to complete the Google Fundamentals program or the Google Analytics Certification program. The cost for each is $50 USD and must be paid online with a credit card at time of the test.

For the detailed MARK5000 course outline go to:
For the detailed MARK5000 course appendix with the delivery schedule, assessment strategies and assignments go to:

For the detailed MCOM43 course outline go to:
For the detailed MCOM43 course appendix with the delivery schedule, assessment strategies and assignments go to: